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@Ddaddy i feel your pain, my company laid off 60 percent of the team then increased the amount of stuff to do by 75 percent and are wondering why we are falling behind. To the point that I have the main boss sitting behind me one day this week to help find away to speed up our processes. But if they'd just listen to me and fix the damn program errors in how the software interacts(they estimated it'd take 5-8 man hours to track down the error in the coding and 30 minutes to rewrite it) then it's literally cut that 75 percent increase by half. We're getting work orders for stuff that doesn't need done or that has been done already because the system isn't removing it like it should.

But no, they wanna investigate dumb ****
I hear you. In my case, I am the main boss for these guys and they are better than this. I told them today "Ignorance is a condition, but stupidity is a choice." Then I pointed out to them that they made the choice to suddenly be stupid causing all the issues today. I sent them home at the end of the day with one instruction.

Tomorrow morning you will each tell me how YOU are going to fix what went wrong and make sure it doesn't happen again. No blame of others, no stepping past your area of responsibility...and NO excuses. Tell me how YOU are going to get better and help fix the problem.