Learning to hate Facebook

facebook is a wonderful tool.. great for keeping up with family that isn't local with pics and video plus its a great tool as a customer.. most businesses have a fb page.. its a great too to log a complaint on.. you get a fast *** response by posting on fb man.. its incredible. there is a lot of good that can be had with fb. its up to you to use it as you see fit and to best serve you..

Personally I use FB for family and friends from around the country. Lately, it is just a political sounding board. I have a business page on there that has gotten me a bunch of welding work for my company.
I did not even know that there was "64-66 a bodies" pages on Facebook, which is good because I would have no issues debating over the "factory 66' hemi cuda" they sold in dealerships. LOL!
Just for the record - The State of Connecticut had at least 3 big block dusters they used for chase cars back in the early 70's. I am trying to find pictures of them. They were specially built for the CSP along with an ice cream truck and a corvette used for speed traps. The Dusters were short lived because they over heated too much while sitting and idling. I will assume they were 383 cars but alot of old troopers told me they were 440 cars. Who built them? I dont know as I was like 4 years old back in 1974. Because my Dad was a State Trooper I got to talk to a lot of the older troopers when I was a teen ager and because I had a Demon, all those stories would come out at the Christmas parties. Imagine chasing a bad guy in a big block duster at high speeds- how the torque push the car where it wanted to go. 50% stunt man and 50% cop!