Main Studs??

I suspect some of you guys would freak if you saw how top fuel/fc mains are line honed on the road. Boring bar and a big corded hand drill, ran free hand with block on a regular (floppy) engine stand. No guide bars or anything like that. We would even pull the drill in the direction of the tight spot. Put crank in, spin it. If it's free and bearing clearances math out (bore-crank size) it's good. Definitely not a precision perfectly straight main line!
Granted, they only live for a little (8 runs max) while but it sure looks barbaric by normal engine standards.
I'll see if I can find any pictures on my old phone.

I'd agree that any "normal" engine that needs studs really should have main line checked. Doing one and not the other seems like asking for easily avoided trouble. And if ya can't afford the line hone/bore, you won't like the parts bill when you smoke the crank or worse.