414 Dyno results: Missed combo?

Just for fun and to illustrate things a bit...
a graph showing the 414 and a stock Edelbrock-headed 408 that was recently dynoed at HRM.
Jesse, you built a freaking torque monster. Has more torque than anything I've seen or followed (or traced) in the last years.
I took the liberty to extend the curve on your engine down to 2500rpm for the sake of comparison.

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I was a little worried I would be able to crank total timing to 36 and see an increase in torque @ 3500 but was relieved to see a slight loss. Very happy about this. 31-32 total seems to be the sweet spot. 29-30 knocks 4-5 HP off the top with no change to the bottom or mid range. Once I established these trends I wasn't afraid to test down @ 2500 rpm. We'll see how Stixx's graph looks compared to actual. New peaks of 553 tq and 488 hp after 27 tests. J.Rob
