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General Motors lobbying for self-driving car rules that would keep opposition off the road

and here we go.... the end of mankind. I'm beginning to the think Terminator was a prediction of the future not a sci-fi flick

I'm dreading that... Think of how much control the government will have over you...

They will know exactly where you are at when you are in your car... They get to decide who lives in a situation where someone has to die...

No more high speed police chases - they can just get the license number and auto shut off the car...

I want to know if we will still have to pay for insurance if I'm not in control of the car, why should I pay for the insurance???

Will it be legal to drink and drive since you are no longer in control of the car???

The song Red Barchetta from Rush will come true...

Here it is with lyrics for those not familiar with it: