Does this car have a usable part on it?
Pic from the car in that ad.
Most guys look at that and see a crunched door and would probably just toss it.
Somebody who knows the market sees:
Twin Post mirror, between $40 and $75
Door handle $20-40
Early Lock cylinder $20
Vent Frame $30-$75
Vent Window $25
Door Latch and Linkage $40
Window Regulator $30
I see a nice lower corner patch panel $40
If the door glass is in there, another $60
Door Card Stainless trim $20
Arm Rest and base $20-$40
Door latch patch panel $40
I'm sure there is more, but you get the idea.
Now, go through the entire car, inside out, top to bottom with that same eye, and tell me how much money you think is sitting there