Load of garbage

So I look to order a nicer (larger) degree wheel than I already have and I notice part number 249-4941 @ jegs for $324.99 (ouch) which is listed for a mopar. Then I notice 249-4939 @ jegs also for $308.99 but this is listed for BB chevy. So I get to digging to see what the heck the difference is. Well turns out the only difference is the crankshaft snout socket. Yet if you look up the mopar number listed and its price it's #4799 for $39.99 and the chevy is #4794 for $41.99. 2 dollars more for the chevy socket but the overall kit is $16 more for the chyrsler. What a load, they can keep it. For all that I'll make me a new one on the bridgeport.