340 x-block vs. 410 stroker ?

Oh I already know, I'm just having some fun. Everybody's seen the Time Slips of my car and what it can do and all we know is that yr is telling us that he's trying to get into the 13s so we'll see if that's the truth or not. If that's truly the case I'll do you like my buddy does with his Cuda and kind of lets off at the end so I don't feel like I've been blown completely out of the water. That's what a cool friend does.

Do you get to run slicks, or DOT's like I have? I still have windshield wipers and a heater. And plates.

I haven't made a pass in this car since 2006. Maybe 2007. Haven't made a pass with the new engine. Or the new clutch. I'm starting over. And I really need DA rear shocks. I'm almost there. My clutch guy was paralyzed. I had a buddy die of a heart attack. Then I had to put my best dog down. Then my buddy's wife was shot in the head in May of 2016.

Hell, that ain't the half of it. Ball joints were in a recall after I had the front end back together. Bought a different gear box and had to go through that.

I can say, for the most part since I parked the car in October 2014 a lot of bad **** has went down. I'm hoping that is done for a while. I even had a cousin OD on ****** late last year.

I'm old enough where if I don't fell like doing it, I don't do it.

I did decide to do a cam degreeing video today, just for ***** and giggles. And if you look hard enough, you can find the fire up of my engine on the web.

Hell, I may stick the tunnel ram on there. I just don't want to have to store the hood. But if the right deal came along......

Now back to the races and reading Albert Speers autobiography.