Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well, my Dad got the staples in his scalp removed yesterday from his fall last weekend. He fought it every step of the way like a 2 year old getting a shot. It all went fine as far as the procedure goes, but traumatic for him and everyone involved.

He is becoming increasingly more like a toddler in his responses and frailer in his physical condition. I have the feeling (more and more) that it's not going to go on for a lot longer before it reaches the end. If he's still around a year from now, I will be very surprised. It's been 12 years from his initial ALZ diagnosis and 5 years since he progressed into full time care. He is already at the outside edge of the disease progression and approaching the farthest limits of how long he can go.

I just hope it's a peaceful conclusion when it does reach the end...both for him and everyone involved.

It's been a long road...
Prayers Dave, such a terrible thing to have to go thru. If there's anything I can do, please let me know