The Kelsey-Hayes Disk Brake Swap Thread
There are many posts you can read about K-H hubs & rotors. I have never touched one. The wheel studs should come w/ the used hub/rotor you find. It is a bit difficult to find new K-H studs as they are very special (search posts). If you do replace them, I suggest RH thread on all. LH threads confuse tire shop monkeys. A Goodyear shop spun a stud on the left side of my 69 Dart, probably by cranking their impact wrench up and up. They re-installed the wheel w/ the spun stud without informing me (why I don't use shops anymore). I found out when I tried to remove the wheel on the highway and couldn't, then had to drive home w/ the re-capped tread flapping against the wheel well, where I hacksaw'ed off the stud.