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yeah, we had a border collie in 1999 that woke us up in the middle of the night one march, 20 minutes later a f2 went thru the nieghborhood, took out several homes but missed ours by about 100 yards
My one dog, don't know who had her before(rescue), but she acts like she has had some training for the hearing impaired. Maybe just didn't make the final cut. The phone rings and I ignore it or sleeping she's pawing at me, My girl calls from the other room and I don't hear it she goes nuts pawing me running back and forth till I get up. battery beeper on the smoke detector at the other end of the house, same thing till I get up. Most times she is not 2 feet from me, follows me from room to room. She never barks. At first was a pita, but I like her being that close now. Crazy *** dog lol