Stock high stall converter stall? 5.9 magnum

I see in the Dacco catolog there are low and high stall converters available. I have a 1987 904 lockup trans and converter and will be running it behind a 5.9 Magnum junkyard motor with a carb and air gap intake, recurved stock type distributor, 1 5/8 headers and a XE roller cam with 278/ 278 / 106 lobe seperation cam,that has 225degrees @.050 . lobes are 3344b Comp.
I would like input from anyone with experiance running a stock converter with a 5.9. I may chose to bracket race this setup and am not concerned about a great ET, just a consistant launch with 3.55 gears and 26 inch tall slicks, aprox 3200 race weight. The torque range of the cam is supposed to be from about 1800 rpm and up.
This is going to be a low budget deal, but at the low price of a replacement type converter, I would be willing to put one in, either in lockup or non lockup type by changing input shafts. What results have you had?
Good combo and you are smart to spend a little more for a converter.