Stop in for a cup of coffee

My wife's cousin and her husband came by tonight for a visit. They drove down from New Hampshire to see my wife's brother before his liver cancer gets much worse. We haven't seen them for around 15 years. The last time was when they came down for an extended family reunion. They are good people and fighting health battles of their own. He has Parkinson's disease and it progressing. He is a nice honest, simple guy who enjoys people. He got a real kick out of the GTS and we spent quite a while in the garage while he checked it out. She is a middle school teacher and had a wonderful time visiting with my daughter (whom she has never met before) since she is the same age as her students.

It was nice to see them again and reconnect, but also sad given the circumstances which compelled them to come. I'm in an odd melancholy funk now. Helluva a way to start a weekend...