Nothing about cars really scares me these days, there are things I dislike but I handle every aspect of the project/restoration myself (except machining tasks like Boring, I don't have that equipment yet. I do have a few lathes and such but nothing capable of boring a block.)
Body work, wiring, welding, paint, etc I know how to do. My dad was and still is a firm believer in the "You saw me do it once" or "You kinda understand how it works" concept, where if either of those apply, you're completely ready to do it on your own. The whole dive in head first learning process.
I learned to weld when I was 9 or 10, my dad rolled the Arc and MIG over and told me to weld up a dumpbed we were custom building for his truck.
Learned to drive clutch at 10 in that same truck, my dad threw me the keys and said "Plow the driveway, I'm going back inside where it's warm...Don't hit anything." I understood the concept of driving a clutch and because of that, I was 'ready' to do so on my own.
Same goes for painting. I was 15 and my dad handed me the keys to the paint closet. "Go grab a few paint guns and spray your car."