Most overrated bands?

wait, this has gone off track. It was over rated bands. Not bands that have been played (oftentimes ad nauseum) There is no way the Beatles should be included as over rated. You might not like them (maybe because you are tired of them) but their influence was global. And their style is still an influenced today. To a lesser degree led zeppelin, I am a huge fan, but I am tired of many/most of their songs. Of course, they have not released anything new since 1979. So if you listen to a classic rock station what to you expect to hear? Branch out
Over rated is a band that got more credit than they deserved (GnR). Not a band after 30 years you are tired of. Oasis, yes wonder wall sucks and they are/were over rated and their small canon of music will not be over played or influenced to other bands

I also disagree to Dylan being brought up. He had a lot of great stuff into the 70s. He wrote some great songs, maybe not the best voice

It's all a matter of opinion. I think the Beatles are overrated. So do a lot of other people on here, by the number of people who agreed with me. I do like some of their very early stuff. I wanna hold your hand, etc., but for the most part, IMO. they SUCK. I love a lot of Paul McCartney and Wings stuff, but that's it. It';s all about opinion. and that's mine. Fact is, no matter what you or anyone else thinks. The Beatles were not the end all be all.

Oh and lastly, "overrated" is whatever the **** I want it to be.