Most overrated bands?

Well, here's the thing about ALL of this - it is SO subjective... it's like food, you like some, you don't like some. All of these groups/bands that have been mentioned made a mark however significant or otherwise it may be. So just because you think/say Aerosmith or AC/DC or KISS or whomever are overrated, underrated, good bad or otherwise - is simply your opinion - which is the point of the thread. BUT - -
GnR overrated? Yea, they suck now, and maybe you never got into what they were doing, but they absolutely stomped it out - period. They put out some "eh" rock and roll standard BS - but they also made some amazing music!! And yea, I am a fan.
Aerosmith overrated!?? Did you hurt your head recently? IMO they are one of the most underrated rock bands in history - period. SO much amazing music - their self titled Aeromsmith, Get Your Wings (in it's entirety), Rocks, Toys in the attic, Draw the line.. all so awesome. Even Permanent Vacation, Night in the ruts (right in the nuts) and Done with mirrors are pretty dang good. Sure, they blew it - sex, drugs and alcohol - but they were beyond good when they were on it. Easily in my top 5.
I could go on and on and on.. but I will go with the KISS principle here and Keep It Simple Stupid... which, by the way is why KISS, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Led Zep are all so good, they followed the formula but didn't/don't sound like Nickleback or Trickster.