70 Dart, how to change regular dash to Rallye dash?

If the car is legal, feel free to share the story....

70CRUSH, shut your trap. Say nothing.

If the car isn't legal, not sharing anymore information on it isn't going to protect you from the law. You were mislead, you haven't done anything wrong, and the time to sort it out with the authorities is right now. If you turn around and hide the information you've found, well, you're not a victim anymore, you're involved....

70CRUSH, shut your trap. Say nothing.

....But that doesn't mean that VIN fraud doesn't matter, or that anyone that commits or even condones it doesn't deserve to be in prison. Because they DO. It's that simple.....

You did nothing wrong, 70CRUSH. Shut up, say nothing, it'll all go away.

.....But that doesn't mean VIN fraud is ok. If someone pays for a car thinking it's an original hemi car, they should get an original hemi car....

In this market, if someone buys an original Hemi car, they're either a drug dealer or a corporate banker. By extension....all Hemi buyers should go to prison :).

And if it passed muster at the DMV there's no reason to withhold the real story on it either. Be up front, the car is what it is. There's only one reason to hide that information, and it involves being a criminal - one way or another.

^^^^And now you see why I told you to shut your trap, 70CRUSH. These VIN Nazis think you're a criminal.

Like I said earlier, welcome to the forum :)