when are too many Mopars almost enough? ha

ha! I moved from Mo. to Tx back last Nov. I wanted to get down to just one! Bahahahah.... I didn't wanted to move 5 a trip of 1100 round trip! so I got down to one, my 62 Lancer.... kept it because NOONE wants a Lancer! but I like em. going after t April 1 ...
so here I am in Tx and having some sort of withdrawl ?????? never have had an F body, so I find a really slick 69 Volare. slick. $1400 8 hour trip there. ( just a small way cross Tx)...has an oil leak at the sender! fixed .... $7 later. ok so the PS h ose leaks. $$27 inc t ax..... NOW.
so here I sit,, ONLY one car HERE.... now, I find a 79 Aspen RT not so slick but a pretty decent driver, interior like new.. got him down to $2200. 15 hrs trip.... what to do!?? I know, F bodies are worth less than the average e arly A body!! I like their look. low HP? can be fixed....
course I m still waiting on $2500 from 2 guys that still owe me on 2 of my old one I sold!!!!! ha...... just got $1000 paypal minute ago... life is good.