School me on wiring

We're all trying to help......and that's some of the problem. Everybody does things differently, which is why I steered him to books, rather than internet forum opinions.

He's essentially asking for a crash course in automotive electrical, which will have disastrous consequences coming from an internet forum for several reasons, IMO. Not the least of which is because we all do things differently. Also because of all of the electrical symbols that are on most diagrams and schematics.

Sure, you can trace wires on a diagram or schematic and hope you get it right, but the best way is to learn how to properly READ the diagram or schematic in the first place. An internet forum AIN'T the place for that education.

If he wants to learn, get it right, with no bias as to this way or that, his best bet will be to find some good books and learn it for himself, at his own speed, with no one trying to cram one single way down his throat.

It's easy to see just exactly why Del decided to take a break. This is the same reason my post count has plummeted as of late. Everybody loves to show off intelligence. Problem is, a lot of the time it's wrong. I've just decided that if I don't know something, I'm either keepin my trap shut, or I will tell someone where to find the answer, because as much as some of us think we know it all and just love to show it off, we don't.

Well, the good thing about the factory wiring schematic is that it calls out the colors of the wires with tracers and all of the components in clearly written form! It's pretty easy to trace where a wire goes simply by following the color of the wire! I'm not trying to be a know it all, I'm just stating what Del said over and over, which rings true! If you're going to own a car for any length of time, compile a stockload of information on it, and the factory service manual, and wiring schmematic in this case is the definitive answer! Just as your suggestion alludes to, get information, study said information, and head into the project with said information!