School me on wiring

As Rusty said, he is asking for a crash course in auto electrics. He basically admitted that he knows nothing about auto electrics. Unless he is a really good mechanic, I don't see this ending well unless he prepares carefully. I know a lot of guys who are good wrenchers, but they shy away from electric work. I am pretty good at it, but I've learned it over years of work and lots of reading/research. First, find a good book on auto electrics and read it. Second, get a good quality wire diagram for your car and study it carefully. Then lay out the wire harness(s) you are going to use and inspect it carefully and fix any cracks or frayed wires. If in doubt about the quality of the harness, do not use it. Lastly, follow the diagram and move slowly. There are no points for speed. I would wire up anything that is not stock last.