70 Dart, how to change regular dash to Rallye dash?

70CRUSH, shut your trap. Say nothing.

70CRUSH, shut your trap. Say nothing.

You did nothing wrong, 70CRUSH. Shut up, say nothing, it'll all go away.

In this market, if someone buys an original Hemi car, they're either a drug dealer or a corporate banker. By extension....all Hemi buyers should go to prison :).

^^^^And now you see why I told you to shut your trap, 70CRUSH. These VIN Nazis think you're a criminal.

Like I said earlier, welcome to the forum :)

You know, you don't make any sense. No one is "sticking it to the man" by committing VIN fraud. They're sticking it to the majority of us in this hobby, and I'm not talking about investors. If you thought about it for two seconds, you'd realize it's normal folks that are getting screwed the worst. It's making a car that wouldn't be worth a lot seem like it's a car that sells for more. And yeah, you can throw a tantrum about it all you'd like, but you're never going to change the fact that "rare" cars are going to sell for more money, because that's how economics works. Really, VIN fraud takes TWO cars away from folks with average paychecks. Try and keep up. Let's say you've got a rusty hulk of a 340 4-speed car. It's rough, it would cost a giant fortune to fix. Let's say you also have a nice, good condition slant 6 car from the same year. This is a no brainer if you lack moral fortitude. The slant 6 car ends up wearing enough numbers and parts to pass as the 340 4-speed car, and gets sold as the 340 4-speed car. So, what really happened? Well, first, an affordable slant 6 car no longer exists for average folks that could afford to buy a nice, no option slant car to have fun. That car is gone, it became something more expensive. Second, a rough 340 car that could have been bought for a much smaller amount and fixed by someone with skills, time, and who wasn't worried about making a profit is gone too. Two cars are now out of that affordable price range. And finally, some poor bastard who thought he was getting a 340 4-speed car didn't get the car he wanted. Maybe he never finds out, maybe he does and screws over some other poor bastard to get his money back, and so on and so forth. And that train just keeps on rolling until somebody with a spine figures out the car isn't what it's supposed to be and takes the lumps on the sale price. Ironically, since we're talking about a 340 4-speed A-body, it's not "drug dealers and corporate bankers" getting screwed here. More than likely, it's just working folks that have done well for themselves. Because like the car in this thread, it wasn't all numbers anyway. Which means it probably didn't get an insane amount of money. It got a bunch more than a slant car, but not real 340 4-speed money. Which means some hardworking bastard got hammered because he thought he was getting a good deal on something he probably thought was out of his price range. Sucks right? Even if you change the scenario to involve a Hemi car and a drug dealer, regular folks in the hobby still lost two cars, and only one drug dealer got screwed. And he's just gonna screw someone else anyway.

I haven't even suggested the storyline when some other poor bastard has his car STOLEN to provide the shell for the more expensive VIN. You can add another poor hardworking bastard into the mix in that scenario, and up the ante on anyone that buys it later too.

Your suggestions to the OP are silly. Like ignoring it will make it go away :rolleyes:. If it's not legal now, and nothing happens to resolve that fact, it will never magically become legal. Hiding that fact only makes you a criminal, because the ONLY reason to hide it is to pass the buck to someone else. Another buyer, the insurance company if it gets hit in a parking lot, whoever. It's pretty simple, if you find yourself in a position where you have to worry about hiding factual information to avoid being caught -you're doing something illegal.

If the car is legal, NONE of this matters. It's legal. Not all the numbers have to match for the car to be legal either. Truly, if the VIN matches the title, and the other VIN stampings aren't from a stolen car, the car itself is legal in most situations. Maybe not everything that happened along the way was legal, but it doesn't really matter as long as you don't represent the car as something it isn't. And now we're back to where you're trying to make your stand- it doesn't matter what the numbers say the car is, drive it and have fun. That's what they're for.