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it's funny to me how there are so many old car ads....Fastback barracudas 1st and 2 nd gen and later the "space duster" and dart sport with folding rear seat...they advertise.
"versatile like a station wagon"

so why didn't they just put more effort in building "sport wagons" ....bucket seats and features from the "sportier" lines

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I like the fold down rear seats... I drove a 67 & 68 Barracuda when I was in college and the folding rear seat made it easier to move my stuff in and out of the dorms when I was in school.. I could pack my whole stereo (many components and four large speakers, and my clothes, and tool box (bottom roller) in two trips to go two states over for school...

Not to mention that we folded down the rear seat and packed our clothes on one side of the back and put a pillow and sleeping bag in the other side and took turns driving and resting to spring break in Florida - Daytona Beach!!! We were able to drive the whole trip in one shot that way and had the comfort of being able to lay completely down and rest when we got tired.... Great travel cars...

When we were younger, mom had a 67 Barracuda 273 Formula S fastback. Our great grandma had a heart attack and wasn't supposed to do any heavy work... She was a clean freak and kept her house very clean... So we would go to her house an hour away every week to clean for her and then we would all play games afterwards... We knew that she would clean after we left, but at least it was just touch-up and she didn't have to do most of it... We would stay late at night and mom would fold down the back seat and trunk panel and put two sleeping bags and pillows in the back for me and my brother to lay down and fall asleep on the way home... That was fun laying in the back and looking out the back window at the stars and street lights as we drove home until we fell asleep... Then if we couldn't wake up when we got home, mom and dad would carry us to bed.... Good times....

That's where my great uncle Don taught me how to play chess when I was 4 years old... He wrote three books on chess and was a good player... I beat my fifth grade teacher at chess when I got older...

When we got older and out grew our cribs, mom picked up twin mattresses in the back of the Barracuda and brought them home... They would fit with the trunk closed...

When I was in college, my best friend moved to Texas with his mom, and then moved back after a while... He was sleeping on his brother's couch, so I loaned him $150 and we went to the water bed store and picked up cheap twin size water bed, the kid who helped us at the store freaked out that we were able to get all the components for the bed inside the car with nothing hanging out... He was amazed and said, "I've never seen a car like this before"....

Those fold down rear seats are very handy... :D