Stop in for a cup of coffee

I haven't been outside much in the last day, been trying to rest and fight this cold that I have...

I'm doing a little better today, I think that the cold has set in and now I'm starting to get better... I'm through the first stage with the scratchy throat and fever and headache... Now I have to get the mucus out...

I had a lot of garlic and tumeric yesterday to help boost my immune system and I think I'm starting to fight this thing off... it's helping, I just have to keep getting my nutrients to help fight it....
I am on the same side of this chit as you are, Honey, Apple Cider Vinegar and lemon in a jar ! I mixed this up a couple weeks ago, garlic hid in most every dish :thumbsup: No beer at all in the last week, a little whisky and water at night makes for a wet pillow :thankyou: I am doing much better this morning