Careful, since you almost always get what you pay for, cheap bodywork almost never means quality bodywork. If you're not interested in quality bodywork, take it to a chain shop like Craftsman or Kirmac since they don't do a great job on regular ICBC repairs. They might not want to touch non-ICBC jobs though since they operate on the volume model. If they do agree to work on your Dart they will also get it done pretty quickly since they won't want it taking up space in the shop. If the chain shops turn you down, then ask one of those "one off" shops that has a picture of a Porsche, Ferrari or Lamborghini on their signage. You know the shop that's on a corner lot that has changed owners frequently over the past several years? They usually have one legitimate body man and then many relatives who are "apprenticing". They will be able to do the work cheaply as well but it won't be a great job.