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Hey Chris, if you want to live off the grid get a steam powered electric generator and convert it to run using multiple fuel sources for the firebox (coal, wood, diesel, propane, etc) and use the waste heat from the electrical generation to heat the house in Winter and make hot water.

You can even add geothermal and passive solar to increase the efficiency of the boiler by preheating the water...

hmm not a bad idea. I also have a moving stream, even in a drought time, it still moves that I could make into a hydro-electric set up too. It's not so much off the grid that's the goal, I just dont understand the rationale behind paying 20,000 to run lines to my house and then pay 2-4 hundred more a month for electric. To me, that makes alternative forms more intriguing. Granted, those are pricey as well now a days but if it doesnt have a monthly bill, its more enticing to me.