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hmm not a bad idea. I also have a moving stream, even in a drought time, it still moves that I could make into a hydro-electric set up too. It's not so much off the grid that's the goal, I just dont understand the rationale behind paying 20,000 to run lines to my house and then pay 2-4 hundred more a month for electric. To me, that makes alternative forms more intriguing. Granted, those are pricey as well now a days but if it doesnt have a monthly bill, its more enticing to me.
Check the laws streams are weird, There was a guy here that filled in a stream bed to do that and diverted it he got a $50k fine for obstructing the stream! and had to restore it back to the state standards. I have a small pond? 20' circle that is fed by a spring and would love to fill it in but I cannot it is a wetlands area, I cannot even kill the cattails that are in it. I would love to have that spring feed the big pond!!:BangHead::BangHead:

Man got a offer on that auto pilot for $250 I don't know if I should hold out for more or not? Did not cost me close to that to get all of those ap parts!.