Crank scrapers or plate...?

Tell me how you really feel, dont hold back! Whats innacurate in my post. Whats the guys application? IJ isnt forcing anyone to buy anything, where is that from? The oil level in the pan at the full mark is about 2" below the crank throw, even more when its running. Chime in, tell us where I am wrong. If every motor could use a scraper to its benefit, why wouldn't every motor have 'em? Stamped steel isnt that expensive.

For one, to work, they need to be hand fitted. Are you going to pay for that in an OEM deal that don't need it?

Stroke length is a big factor.

Oil wraps around a crank like a blanket. Any time you can lose it you are better off.

Call IJ and talk to Kevin. He will explain to you how wrong you are.

Oh wait, I forgot...he has a vested interest in something he sells.

I can see this is going to go the way of the adjustable PCV valve. I bought one and caught hell for it. Luckily, many guys are using them besides me with much success.

The crank scrapers is no different. If you are bother isn't to spend the time to build an engine, why not spend a few extra dollars for a crank scraper.
