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In Md you can get historic on anything over 20y/o and it exempts you from have to get an inspection. So every old pos people reg historic. I've even seen historic tags on falling apart pos church buses and ratty work trucks. Md inspection is tough. They measure brake lining and all kinds of crap, oil leaks , rust. Look for nicks in sidewalls, play in the steering column and on and on. But, you only have to do it once.
When I had my Parts Store Operation still going, I was on the Board of Directors for CAWA ( Chesapeake Automotive Wholesalers Assoc. ) . We always lobbied for an Annual vehicle inspection in Maryland, as the Sales for Parts suppliers would benefit immensely from it. Never talked them into though. Even neighboring D.C. and Virginia have yearly safety inspections. I'm sure that there are a lot of unsafe vehicles on Maryland roads...