How do I build this body line

Hi Rod, I will bump this thread for you with the procedure I did. Maybe you will get some more replies. I started out using a metal straight edge and visually check the low and high spots to concentrate on first. Adding small amounts and checking as I sanded, using a long as possible sanding board, you do not have to cover the whole board with sand paper. Start with the highest ridge first, making sure it is straight and flat. Using a radius sanding broad next, as you can see in the photo I just use a wooden dowel rod. Broom stick, ridged PVC pipe, gas line, radiator hose, something that will come close to the radius, and a course the longer the better, and then again you don not have to cover the whole board of your choosing with sand paper. I have usually switch colors of hardener for the bondo, the cream hardener usually comes in red or blue colors. I do this to let me know where I left off so not to sand over the spots that are already I know that are low. You can use the straight edge on the radius length ways, use the straight edge lightly scuff the area, you will feel the areas where it is indeed low. If you wish now, to check your work, buy a rattle can of sand-able primer, spray the area of concern, let dry and sand with a scot brite pad until glossy smooth. Kill the shop lights, get the trouble light out and have a look at the fender, the glare and shadows will let you now where the trouble spots are located. Pretty much after this I would use some body filler cream and spread pretty much the whole area and work it the same way again, but with fine sand paper. Hope this gets you a start.

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