Crank scrapers or plate...?

The 2nd pix is posted above is the Mopar LA teflon scraper. Looks like perhaps counterweights AND perhaps rod ends and/or parts of the throws. Looks like all it removes its the outer end of the 'blanket'... which might break up the 'blanket' and let it be shed off better. But I am just guessing now....

The outer edges is where the biggest HP eater will be.

The counter weights, rods and rod bolts fit themselves to the Teflon. The rod bolt is the closest but it will knock oil off the rods.

The down scraper is a cool deal too.

I guess I should have taken some pictures when I put my engine together. There is a lot of oil coming out of the bearings and rod throws, even at low speeds. Controlling it is another step in making power longevity.

My only fear was not getting enough oil on the cam from the rods but I'm told it's no big deal. First SFT I've used a scraper on.