Upgrading my 340

then I do have 1.60 exhaust valves. Appreciate all the info, but again, I do not wish to pull and open the motor up for modifications. I'm open to hear about header sizes, types, brands as well as tuning aspects and intake modifications as I first had interest in deciphering between a fuel injection system over a six pak which I thought would give me a tremendous amount of acceleration and torque. I've been hearing thata 750CFM well tuned could give 10-15 horsepower and the AIRGAP EDELBROCK Intake would also put more power to my engine and that I might be suffocating it with 1 1/2" header pipes

What does it crank? PSI?

A 750 MIGHT give you 4 more HP but what you are after is torque.

A six-pack won't do anything for acceleration--it's only a 340 with a 3.31 stroke.

Without the advantage of a torque converter you are at the mercy of your engine and are clawing for every pound feet of torque. 340's are NOT a torquey engine and it looks like you have one of those "Mutha Thumpr" cams which are garbage BTW.

There is no single bolt on that is going to give you what you are after. Try a 4 hole tapered spacer, make sure your timing curve is doing what it is supposed to. Try more timing everywhere unless you hear pinging and experience hard starting, engine run on etc.. Try 18 initial timing, 36 total all in by 3500 rpm +/- 2 deg. Just unplug vacuum for now. You could pick up some serious mid range power if your timing isn't close but this will not get you the major torque production you seek. J.Rob