Missed on this combo?

All I read was the short side was murdered and could not be fixed, without a million dollars and hundreds of hours. And someone screamed something about MEGA reversion. All that, in my mind, said scrap 'em.

In all the posts on the whole thread, it's the only time I took anything personal. I never do..Maybe it was the delivery of a couple posts. Maybe I'm a little pissed at mysef, too. I believed Hughes.

You are just embarrassed by believing Hughes' claims. I know I am and I'm supposed to be more knowledgeable than the Maytag repairman about this stuff. I KNEW when I placed the +3400$ order that they wouldn't flow what they claimed but I'd be cool with a good flow curve (proper port design) and an honest 300CFM-so when I unboxed them and stuck my finger on the S.S. my stomach dropped . Seriously I felt sick because I had been HAD.

I am trying to help. J.Rob