Missed on this combo?

You are just embarrassed by believing Hughes' claims. I know I am and I'm supposed to be more knowledgeable than the Maytag repairman about this stuff. I KNEW when I placed the +3400$ order that they wouldn't flow what they claimed but I'd be cool with a good flow curve (proper port design) and an honest 300CFM-so when I unboxed them and stuck my finger on the S.S. my stomach dropped . Seriously I felt sick because I had been HAD.

I am trying to help. J.Rob

We disagree and that's fine, but I do believe a worked dp would not hurt the top end really, not with that cam, and only bring the bottom up...and the runner velocity could only help him on the intake side.
Based on the flow @ lift its easy to say "more lift", hemi grind, etc... Pick your path, some get you there quicker.