Missed on this combo?

Now I'm the idiot?
As you screw this thread like most others you post in?
You're really helping mike now...huh?
like when you get into an argument with cam guy who tells you your head is up your ***, which it is, you say strong low/mid numbers are a bad thing...then at the end of the same post say that's Mike's problem, boy that might confuse it some, you basically name everything under the sun saying that's the problem....you don't really know, you just like to talk...straight up.

Post what you do, quit telling us you can't figure out how to post pics , you can't show anything....you can't prove you aren't a complete fraud. If mike listens to you anymore he will go broke and be more disappointed.
Mike says he is happy with the hp, he wants more torque....so change the intake and header, fix the extension issue. Said it once , said it again. Mike hasn't responded to my advice...obviously some hesitation by the high pressure advice from all sides....so...My last thought on this...is way too much attention was paid to the wrong things , by mike, in this build...but that's what happens when you listen to the wrong people.

Good luck, mike.
Why does a dual plane intake and header extension make a difference? because the longer runner has more mass and help to keep the reversion out, better. the header extension does the same thing, keep or help pull the exh out during overlap.
changing the cam grind can help do the same thing.
changing the low lift flow can help tooooo.
you figure out how much lift there is at max overlap between the intake and exh. that lift is where we want to kill as much flow as possible on the intake side. Not at .300 + lift not at mid life or at high lift.

Changing any of these things Help Bottom End Power.
And that's what he wants, right.