Missed on this combo?

I asked them about a 2.02" and they said nobody wanted it and it wouldn't sell. They send them out the door with a 2.08" and I am referring too the B.M.'s here. No the larger valve isn't the problem by itself. You have to understand how the bowl, seat and chamber work together to get the full picture of why their "porting" (and I use that term loosely) is just wrong. J.Rob

I get the issue. I'm absolutely not doubting what Dave said about no one buying them. I did my own heads with 2.02 valves and everyone said I was crazy. It's all about marketing. Surely a 2.08 valve will kick the hell out of a 2.02 valve. In advertising.

BTW, I've been using seats steeper than 45 since about 2000. That's how OLD the technology is. It's hard to do it on a street strip deal because...

A) If you go from a 45 to a 50* seat it makes the margin thin, quick.
2) It takes a different shape valve to make the steeper seat work correctly, and guys don't want to buy anything that isn't interns normal.
B) The steeper the seat, changes the way you face the valve.
1) There are other reasons but I'm sure you know them.

BTW, you can make the back cut as wide as you want it, it doesn't make a difference. As long as it runs up to the seat is all that matters and it's still a bad idea in most cases.