Project Plain Jane UBC is a deadend. Only options they were offering? Drugs. No thanks.Always keeping up to date on the latest thing for M.S,like stem cells etc. Seems there is currently a trial in Great Britain involving alergy therapy,where they inject the allergy proteins into a patient and slowly increase the dosage. Viola allergy gone. It is being viewed as a possible treatment for M.S.I do thank my lucky stars I dont have something like als. A family friend recently died of it,man it's a bad disease. Me with my goofy pain levels and walking seems tolerable in comparison.

Anyways Im never doing nothing. Recently have been working on the Families Grand caravan,battery light keeps coming on.My thinking is it's the alternator,and boy thats no fun job getting it out. It's a 2000 and the alt is at the back of the engine behind EVERYTHING!! Anyways it's off,going to the wreckers tommorrow for a replacement. Yup,could be the pcm (electronic voltage regulator)but more likely just burnt brushes in the denso alternator.

Weather here is slowly warming up,and I have my eye on the next crack in the garage roof,as well as some internal drainage mods..