I love my HEI setup. Here's a pic. Very simple to wire up. You can pull modules with their coils and mounting brackets all day long at any junkyard. New modules are dirt cheap and can be had anywhere.
For the first time ever (been running this for over 8 years, half of which I was commuting daily in the car) a module died in a parking lot. Happened a couple months ago. Took a few minutes to swap out the module (I keep a spare in the glove box) and away I went.
Before anyone comments on the pic, this pic was taken during the re-install. I hadn't hooked up the ground wire to the module mounting bolt yet. It's there now.
In regards to the designed2drive plate, I've never seen one on a car before but it looks like a good setup! Not quite as good for cooling but it will probably be fine.
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