
fwd is what these kids can afford!! when we was kids we pull novas and fairlans and satelites outta the weeds for few hundred bucks,..spend a few more hundred and be driving to town looking for chicks! these kids cant afford old muscle cars hell most of us cant ether now thanks to barrett jackson! so 3 to 7 year old honda's and such fits there price range, parts a plenty at the pick-your-part yards to! teenagers of the 40s n 50s hotrodded t buckets and duce coupes,..teenagers of 60s n 70s hotrodded tri-5 shoe boxes an impalia's gto's and such! when not boosting up a turbo thay gettin better mpg on cheaper gas to! lotta kids in to 4x4 stuff as well as autocross and drifting, lotta teenagers at the dirt tracks in fwd cars as well as rest the class's! might not return to the muscle car erra but the auto hobbys will continue to evolve and grow...still hate a dang fart can muffler and nossss!