Cheepy Three-Sixty build

Sometimes thes steps are needed and unavoidable. Doing it now at his shop is of no cost and 100% avoidance prep.
If it were a "No cost to you" issue, you would do it on every engine.
Not checking is nutz!
Checking and knowing it is out of wack and NOT doing anything about it makes the insane asylums look like a serious think tank.
Being to cheap to do anything about it, I can not come up with any descriptions on the insanity of it all.

Cheap builds are builds done right and once. Not over again and again.

How anybody here can take pot shots at RAMM for the machining work done to insure a properly done job is unbelievable.

While YOUR BLOCK may not need any of these steps, these steps taken by the builder should be seen as needed for this block.

It's OK Rumble--no offense taken on my part. I make no apologies for the things I do to MY projects. Your comment about Cheap builds being ones that are done right the first time is very very true. I can't tell you how many times I get a new customer that has already been previously soaked on a build and now I get to pick up the pieces--Oh and the real crappy part is I never get to charge what the previous builder charged either. A good example comes to mind when I built a 318 with EQ heads. His previous "builder" was a hack working out of his garage and charged him something like 16g's for a 318!! That engine didn't make any power and self destructed. He found me and the entire engine was gone through-only thing kept was the oil pan, engine made awesome power and I charged a little over a third of garage guy. J.Rob