Cheepy Three-Sixty build

I really hate waste, probably why I over eat-never leave anything on the plate to throw out is programmed into me. If I have parts then I want to see them used somehow someway. Go for it, what's the worst that can happen? J.Rob

The worst that can happen?


Yet another internet asshole picks it apart, craps on your work, degrades all efforts made while his engine was built by a pro or still sits disassembled.

In all honestly, it's just annoying.
Comments that don't apply on or make sense. Mostly do from there lack of reading or understanding what they read.

Some of the best examples are like;

Them: Why didn't you use a Holley.
Me: I don't have one.
Them: why didn't you get one?
Me: What's wrong my with the one I have?
Them: It's not a Holley!
Me: What's the big deal?
Them; Your giving up HP!!! DUH!!!


I'm not really sure I'll miss the hp in the street driving by around town and down the Hwy at 2700 rpm. Is it really worth spending another $400? For a few hp more that seldom gets seen?

I get PM'd I'm an asshole for not making use of a Holley. I'm an asshole for not using "***" cam.
I'm an asshole for ......

So why should I open myself up for more abuse? Share how to's.

I'm going on my 4th engine build and I'm happy to keep it to myself.