Cheepy Three-Sixty build

It's OK Rumble--no offense taken on my part. I make no apologies for the things I do to MY projects. Your comment about Cheap builds being ones that are done right the first time is very very true. I can't tell you how many times I get a new customer that has already been previously soaked on a build and now I get to pick up the pieces--Oh and the real crappy part is I never get to charge what the previous builder charged either. A good example comes to mind when I built a 318 with EQ heads. His previous "builder" was a hack working out of his garage and charged him something like 16g's for a 318!! That engine didn't make any power and self destructed. He found me and the entire engine was gone through-only thing kept was the oil pan, engine made awesome power and I charged a little over a third of garage guy. J.Rob

Following other people's work is always a nightmare. Most of the time.