Holley Main Body Upgrade Question

Invest a few dollars in a timing tape, then you know where your total timing is.

Timing tape works too, especially when the balancer doesn't have any numbered timing marks.

On my previous engine, I needed to use timing tape but this engine my balancer has timing marks all the way to 50 degrees (if I remember right) in 2 degree increments. I just needed to figure out a reference point. I figured the best reference point would be the 0 mark on the timing cover. So, fully warmed up and at idle I set the 18 degree mark on the balancer to line up with the 0 mark on the timing chain cover. Of course, I verified that 0 mark to line up with the TDC mark on the balancer.

The way I verified it was by putting some blue masking take on on the balancer right below the balancers timing marks, so that I can see where they're at. I probably used 90 degrees worth of tape.

With the piston stop tool in the #1 cylinder, I rotated the engine towards TDC until the piston lightly jammed against the piston (I was sure to go slow to not damage the piston). I made a mark on the tape where the 0 mark on the timing cover was. Then I turned the engine backwards until it stopped, and made another mark on the tape where the 0 mark was.

Then I put another piece of tape over that slightly so it exposes the marks that I made. I transferred my original marks onto that piece of blue tape. I then removed the tape and measured where the mid point was by measuring the distance between the two marks and dividing that number by 2. That number is the distance between the two outer marks. That's where TDC should be. I marked that point. Then placed the tape back onto the balancer lining up the marks I made. That mid point was exactly where TDC was marked on the balancer.

That's how I verified my balancer's timing marks relative to the 0 mark on the timing cover which is the mark that I use solely as a reference point when shining my timing light.

If this method is incorrect then maybe someone can chime in.
