Thanks for the kudos 1967'cuda,

Yep auroras and hot wheels started my addiction. Yessir that is a plastic track. I soldered all the ends, and used plastiweld solvent adhesive to glue it together. I could probably have used MEK and a brush and it would have prob worked just as good. The gaps between the side by side tracks needed to make it a 4 lane i used an acryllic epoxy adhesive to fill these gaps and bond it together, then sanded it smooth to make it appear as one piece. Any mismatch how the tracks fit together at the ends was sanded smooth. I widened every turn on the outside using N scale cork roadbed, and adding 1/16 lexan sheet over the top of the cork to make it level with the track surface and epoxied it to the track to make it appear as 1 piece. An awful lot of work went into bedding the track together, and sanding to get everything to run as smooth as i did. I would work maybe a 3 foot section after work every week, and spot prime just the epoxy spots because friday nights i had people over to race. I always loved the look of routed tracks but i dont work well with wood, so i went routed look with plastic. The Tomy AFX track was the best deal with the most different radius turns offered. I bought the AFX super international raceway which gave me a huge box of track, 4 super G plus cars, and 2 transformers. I added a bunch of long straights and viola instant HO layout. In hindsight, a routered track probably would have been simpler to build.

It's obvious that your hard work payed off. It's making me consider doing something similar in the future. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: