Pearl white '66 Dart bucket seats

Hi Peter, I just went to UPS and discovered that packing and shipping each seat would cost $289.05--that's for EACH seat, almost six hundred dollars. Seems like a lot to me. I'll certainly ship them to you if you wish to pay for the shipping. I'll go out shortly and check another pack and ship place near our home to see if they can do better--by a lot.

have u thot about taking the backs off and packing them in the smallest u can fit them into, and trying the post office ?
i did give that some thought but the seats fold together so nice that the only gain would be in the over-all length of the package. Not much gain--three or four inches. A little of the height would go down, but the package would still be almost as big as just packing them in one piece. We car guys need a network of travelers that could transport parts for other car guys.