340 build

BTW, with that cam lobe(s) so badly wiped, I'd think you found some metal in the pan. If not, then it is somwhere, and needs to come out. It goes into the oil pump, the filter is AFTER the pump. So look at the pump lobes and see if they are chewed and scored.

I personally would be pulling it apart now to clean all the oil passages under pressure; hot soapy water from the car wash at least followed by a scalding hot rinse. or a trip to the machine shop to get it cold tanked at a minimum.

I'd be looking hard at all the bearings too.

And your pix of the block SN is all lens flared and unreadable; can you just list the SN here?

BTW, others have reported that the Edelbrock heads' installed valve stem seals ain't none to good so you might look for some better viton seals; 70aarcuda may have a PN.

Is there a point to the balance thread link?
I did find sediment in the bottom of the pan, Im sure it all throughout the engine, I plan to have it cleaned out by the machine shop. Ill try to remember to check the pump deal but wouldnt it be prudent to just replace the pump while Im all there anyway?

FW340*31070567 Thats what Im seeing just below the drovers side cyl head The * sign I cant read that number but may be a B. ( light stamping )

Thanks for the tips on the seals. Ill try to remember that.

The balance thread was just for my reference cause Im still looking for the correct flywheel