340 build
Heres what I got so far and a bunch of pictures showing how I got to these numbers. Ive got to now decide if the project is worth pushing forward with. I really do not want to get into buying more pistons ect and anyway its already maxed out as far as I know ( .060 )
First thing I did was wire wheel the deck and the tops of the pistons really well, I installed part of my piston stop tool and turned the crank until the piston hit the top of the bar, removed bat and set up my dial indicator to measure the remaining travel, anything that I thought odd I re-measured at least one more time, within reason the piston height measurement is correct.
I then pulled the piston as far down in the bore as I could by spinning the crank and took X measurements. These measurements are fairly close. Im limited by equipment but the tools are junk either.
Hopefully everyone can open and view the PDF file. Not sure how else to clearly post the results.
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