340 build

Im curious how can you tell by the picture, is it the color or is there a shape?
Ill measure the head gasket tomm, of course it wont be dead nuts cause even though they have been compressed Im sure there is some bounceback.

Ill either get better pictures of the bad lobe/lobes and or try and figure out what and where things went wrong.
Let me ask how am I gonna get a specific C.R if Ive got to put such a thick head gasket just to stop the valves from bouncing off the pistons? Am I gonna have much choice or control or is it gonna be what it is assuming I can get one thick enough.
Can I have a chamber cut into the head to allow for the tall pop-ups?

Maybe I need to get a shorter piston?

The number is on them in your picture. Center tang sticking up between cylinders.
