They walk among us!
You guys think thats fucked theres like a third of the population that believes the world was made by a magical man on a cloud and we are all decendants of a man and a woman that had 2 sons ? Lol I mean come on who did those 2 screw ? Their mom? Then how come we all aren't the same colour ? Think of society as a train .At the front you have the visionary's and scientist dragging society forward out of the dark ages , behind them are the majority of us with normal brains and common sense urging them on , behind us is that third that are too weak minded and feeble willed to accept their mortality and the consequences of their actions so they subscribe to this wizard of oz all mighty being nonsense , just dragging along like a mighty anchor fighting to hold us back , it would be so easy to pull the pin to those cars and be rid of them but we just can't bring ourselves to do it yet .