340 build
Not to oversimplify things but if the highest piston is .020 above the deck and the lowest is .011 above the deck would it be safe to say that if I were able to remove .020 from the piston top that would put me at approx zero deck.
I could then get the deck square and true
Maybe I still need to address how that is gonna affect the valve reliefs and combustion but off the top of my head I can imagine how .020 is gonna make much of a difference there.
Here at the shop now I can see that the ledge itself is thicker than .030 thou. Why not take the pistons ( assuming its cost affective ) to my buddy with the lathe and have him remove .030 though from the face, that will put me approx .010 in the hole, I can get away with the standard head gasket ( If I remember right crushed thickness of .030-.040 thou ) and all is good?
If I did .030 thou and the engine got revved to 6 or 65 than Id still prob. be golden?
I cant get too technical cause I have a hard time comprehending what comes easy for some of you guys.