My Demon is possessed

The next few days I finally have some time to look into all this electrical mess. If you guys dont mind confirming me a few things such as:

- Where exactly are the 3 cables from the alternator going to? The thick one that is charging the battery was connected to the starter relay and from there it went to the battery. Personally I would connect that directly to the battery and then one cable to the relay and from there to the starter but I guess it doesn't matter if its correct like that.

- Behind the console with all the gauges were two cables. One black one red, without them connected the car wouldn't start. I had that whole part with the gauges stuck only half way in for a few days so I can read the fuel level and connect the 2 cables but I noticed sometimes they would get hot and smoke slightly. Probably the isolation around it. Can you tell me where the red one and the black one goes? It might be related to my problem with the starter.

I would prefer to lay new cables from the alternator and to the starter but I wanted to ask you guys first. Thanks again for your time to help!